Anyone else work thru ideas by just writing what you’re thinking onto the canvas?? Started trying for some things and it’s been pretty cool, seems like it slows me down enough to think things over thoroughly
Anyone else work thru ideas by just writing what you’re thinking onto the canvas?? Started trying for some things and it’s been pretty cool, seems like it slows me down enough to think things over thoroughly
Yup, I like to do a full brain dump onto a piece of paper, works super well for getting out the bad ideas and helps shape the good ones. I’m curious about your screenshot though, is this any particular tool you’re using here?
So this is on the Figma canvas actually — the wireframes are done in Excalidraw, then screenshotted and added to the canvas as well. Sometimes I’ll start on paper, but I’ve found for me it can be easier to have everything in one place :)