Now do it on paper 🫨
Anyone else work thru ideas by just writing what you’re thinking onto the canvas?? Started trying for some things and it’s been pretty cool, seems like it slows me down enough to think things over thoroughly
I sometimes start there! Lately I’ve just found that it’s easiest to have notes side-by-side with the actual design I’m working on
I‘m rediscovering paper again, writing some thoughts and random stuff into a little notebook feels so good, to actually feel what you’re writing and to know that it’s just there, on paper, not on every device I own.
Yup, I like to do a full brain dump onto a piece of paper, works super well for getting out the bad ideas and helps shape the good ones. I’m curious about your screenshot though, is this any particular tool you’re using here?
I’ve always liked to write words over sketches! It helps me get out the concepts quicker
Nice :) How far do you take it usually? Just annotations and margin note type stuff, or full stream-of-consciousness style?
I do something similar, I usually start with a plain text document. Full brain dump first, then a bit more structured.
Writing is more natural way of starting with an idea or creative journey especially if done by hand to begin with. It let's mind express itself in the most natural way it knows and also give clarity and structure to begin on a creative journey of whatever we are on.
i need to do this more! works well for me, and i like the pros and cons below the sketches, they really help decision making
I definitely do this - but I grab a pencil and sketch! I saw the term “scamp & sketch” (google it!) which isn’t something I’d heard before, but is a perfect description of how I start!