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Olivia Cheng

If you’re someone who has a busy schedule and does a lot of context switching, how do you carve out time for deep thinking? I’d love to hear how you approach this or what strategies you’ve tried.

Laura 🦄
Replying to @heyitsolivia

Mainly not listening to anything on walks — like dog walk or walking back from dropping our kid off at daycare — has helped give me some time to let my brain run free

Olivia Cheng
Replying to @alicetragedy

I have this too and it’s a pretty mixed bag of results, it mostly becomes time to catch up rather than do deep work. Or another slot to be scheduled over 🙃

Laura 🦄
Replying to @heyitsolivia

Yeah I get it, it’s difficult to stick to it! 🙈 I really do try to only use those for deep work 🙏🏻 a thing I’ve also started to do is setting “themes“ for each workday — my Fridays, for example, are focused on self-development / learning new things / writing blog posts / etc.

Laura 🦄
Replying to @heyitsolivia

Obviously sometimes there will be last minute things that will be more important 🫠 but usually I know that Fridays I’ll be quieter and allow me to put in a few hours of learning and writing undisturbed. This also helps with the context switching for me (I do it a lot at my job!)

Olivia Cheng
Replying to @alicetragedy

I like the idea of developing regular rhythms for doing different types of thinking on specific days or chunk of times! … I think this is called a habit? 😅

Laura 🦄
Replying to @heyitsolivia

Hahahaha good point 😂🙈