Posts, a community app by

Andi Förster
Andi Förster

@rsms Hey! I saw that the tracking-guide for Inter didn't make it to the new website (…). Is it outdated for latest Inter versions or what's the reason for it? thanks!

Andi Förster reposted

I wish the Following tab would exclude replies. Because I have no context about what the conversation is about until I tap on it.

Andi Förster reposted
Bora @bora

I think every designer should read this. There are great lessons inside. 🌟 UX designer Hollender explains how they redesigned Wikipedia and successfully pulled this enormous scope of work as a team, improving millions of people's reading and discovering knowledge experience.

Design notes on the 2023 Wikipedia redesign
Exploring the unique challenges of making changes within an open-source, volunteer-led environment. Plus: the importance of prototyping.
Andi Förster

Who can help me out? I am looking for people designing for Android using Material v3 to help me understand M3 spacing. 🤖 The docs do not give a lot away, neither does the android UI figma kit from jetpack. (My goal is to future-proof a DS built on MUI). Thanks! 🙏🏼

Andi Förster

Can someone help me out? I'm looking for a publicly documented design system that includes iOS/HIG and Android/MD3 and provides/specs colors & type for Web *and* native platforms. thanks!