Posts, a community app by

Jordan Singer

@andy up for an ama about read cv and Posts in this thread?

Jordan Singer
Replying to @andy

understood 🫡 you’ve got an amazing community in read cv. i’m so curious what the initial instinct and catalyst was to pursue Posts? was it planned a while back?

Andy Chung
Replying to @jordan

We started work on Posts in November when Twitter first started to show signs of losing its way. We made the bet despite thinking the twitter stuff would blow over, but that’s proven to not be the case.

Andy Chung
Replying to @jordan

When we first started we actively told people we did not want to start a social network because that need was filled. But things changed and given the community we already had it made too much sense not to pursue this.

Jordan Singer
Replying to @andy

inspiring to see the bet pay off. i’m sure you’ve got lots planned for Posts, if you were to think ahead to the end of this year, what will Posts mean to read cv and the community?

Andy Chung
Replying to @jordan

We are just hoping it continues to grow into a space where people can connect with like minded people and find cool opportunities they wouldn’t have found otherwise - same over arching goals as

Jordan Singer
Replying to @andy

so far so good! is there anything the community can do to help? you’ve got lots of fans on here!

Andy Chung
Replying to @jordan

The response has been super wild! Continuing to share the app with diverse and unique voices in design/technology/art/life is the #1 thing we can collectively do to make this a space worth coming back to

Replying to @andy @jordan

How do you see this app contributing to the broader community, and what impact do you hope it has on the industry as a whole?

Andy Chung
Replying to @odeyeid @jordan

Hopefully we can show that there’s merit to engaging/sharing in authentic/personal way online. Similar vibe to the demos and chill event that @yitong hosts - no agenda, but cool things may serendipitously come out of it.

Replying to @andy @yitong @jordan

maximizing experiences for serendipity, i’m so here for this ✨

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ploink @ploink
Replying to @andy @jordan

what’s the monetization model going to look like?

Andy Chung
Replying to @ploink @jordan

We hope that by creating a more engaging every day space it will help grow our current job listing business. I think there will be other opportunities to monetize as well, but not interested in turning this into a pure ads business like twitter or anything.

Artiom Dashinsky
Replying to @andy @jordan

If you’re comfortable to share - how readcv is financed (does it have investors and what type) 😊

Andy Chung
Replying to @artiom @jordan

We raised a seed round (1.5M) in February 2021 - mostly angels, no institutional investors. We run pretty lean and have a couple years of runway left.

Philip Müller
Replying to @andy @jordan

Are there plans for video?

Andy Chung
Replying to @philipmuller @jordan


Replying to @andy @jordan

What’s on the roadmap that you’re most excited about?

Andy Chung
Replying to @siegs @jordan

Just getting table stakes stuff done and out of the way - video, web app, android. It would be cool to have a desktop app.