Posts, a community app by

Artiom Dashinsky
Artiom Dashinsky

What article/post made a significant impact on your design career or thinking/mindset recently?

Artiom Dashinsky

Are there any graphics sets like this one that I can buy? That would include the graphics but ideally also ideas/compositions.

Artiom Dashinsky

Why designers aren't contributing to open-source projects more? Could be a great way to learn, build case studies, and build connections.

Artiom Dashinsky

Do you know anyone who is “earning to give” following the Effective Altruism principles? I’d like to ask them a few questions for my next book.

Artiom Dashinsky

Going to Tokyo tomorrow for the first time ✈️ Any recommendations? Book shops, galleries, museums, food, else?

Artiom Dashinsky

Vienna 👀