Posts, a community app by

Jace @jace

McDonald's is my office

Jace @jace
Replying to @andy

Today I went a bit large :P

Andy Chung
Replying to @jace

Wow, regional order.…

Crispy McBacon
In 2000, the Crispy McBacon sandwich was launched only in Italy by McDonald's. It comes from an all-Italian recipe, inherited from a very successful product by Burghy restaurants 30 years ago. Crispy McBacon is one of the most loved McDonald's sandwiches by Italians, so much so that it is one of the company's "great classics" as well as one of the best sellers crispy bacon beef patty melted cheese crispy sauce [1]
Jace @jace
Replying to @andy

It's my one and only. The only thing I ever get at McDonalds. And I feel sad when I travel and see it's not there.

Cindy Wu
Replying to @jace @andy

i want to go to mickey d’s now

brittany forks
Replying to @cindywu @jace @andy


Cindy Wu
Replying to @brittanyforks @jace @andy

welp here we are

Jace @jace
Replying to @cindywu @brittanyforks @andy

Enjoy :)