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Benny Bowden
Benny Bowden reposted

You should write more poems. And then live on about the things your poems speak of. Without inhibitions. Never tame your poetic.

Benny Bowden

This metaphor — comparing how cake mix revolutionized baking in the 1950s to the way AI is transforming our work today — is absolutely brilliant.…

The Future of Work Is About Doing Better—Not Less
AI won’t eliminate human effort. It’ll redirect it.
Benny Bowden reposted

Grateful for hope and whatever source it flows from.

Benny Bowden

"Everyone seems so worried about how human-like machines are, but we should be more worried about how machine-like humans have become in our pursuit of productivity." An increasingly important insight from @sariazout

Benny Bowden

When your data breach settlement email looks like a hacker's attempt at performing a data breach...