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Bria Bryant
Bria Bryant

Kind of funny to remember that for those of us who don't wear shoes in the house, so many of these important interviews and business conversations are being had in socks or in my case, fluffy bunny slippers

Bria Bryant

The AI prompts at the bottom of posts on LinkedIn are like a bunch of subway cops in that on their *best* day all they do is take up unnecessary space

screenshot of two boxes with star symbols that read "what is open ai known for" and "what are the ethical implications..."
Bria Bryant

For the first time in months, I'm overwhelmed by how many interview processes I'm juggling at once, which is a good kind of uncomfortable

Bria Bryant

As someone who’s interviewing a lot (but still, as of this writing) making $0/month, I feel I must report back some of the antics

Bria Bryant

If recruiters keep mechanically asking me “why did you decide to leave?” I’m just going to start giving a corporate non-answer like “(insert company’s) multiple rounds of layoffs offered me the opportunity to begin exploring roles that were a better fit for my values”

Bria Bryant

Wish I had the safety net to bow out of interview processes at the first red flag