Posts, a community app by


Deep gratitude to @fictivecameron and crew for bringing the community together for an incredible event. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings. ❤️

Cameron on stage slide behind him reads “but isn’t it during difficult times like these that we all should be together?”
carly reposted
Tuyen Truong

Hello world! I spent some time reflecting on something that’s been on my mind—what it’s like for a first-gen immigrant to enter and navigate a corporate job. Check it out and lmk what u think!…

Self-advocacy as a first-gen immigrant in corporate | Dropbox Design
Reflections on navigating self-advocacy.
carly reposted
Cai Charniga

Attn: early career folks who started in their first design role (in any function) in the past 1-2 years! Wanna be on a panel for Figma's second season of early career week?! If you wanna connect with us and possibly share your experience, drop a comment 👇


Q: Let’s say you’re going to the best global design conference of all time. Who’s on the agenda? 🎤✨

carly reposted
Cai Charniga

I wanna start a mega thread of all the rad, trans, non-binary and gender-non-conforming folks here. Roll call in the comments so we can follow one another 🏳️‍⚧️📣🏳️‍⚧️ If you’re an ally, give us a boost! 🙏