Posts, a community app by

chris reposted
Daniel Magill

When was the moment you realized you wanted to be a designer?


Fuck it new website updates just dropped. Lemme know what you think. Very text-driven at the moment!

Chris Murray | Design Systems and more in Edmonton

Me: one of these days you should really put up a personal website, don’t chase perfection - just a snapshot of who you are and what you’re all about Also me: build it yourself, make sure it has dark mode, light mode, high-contrast… should probably let users theme it too


About to get back to work after 5 months parental leave where I very intentionally didn't do anything "product design"-y... how do I kickstart the muscle memory 😶


Something very freeing about being on leave and only being able to keep up with the team’s work via the public changelog

A small lake in the Canadian spring, surrounded by dried out reeds and grasses and pine trees