Posts, a community app by

Alex Dee
Alex Dee

hey @ssbittle if you just got 10000 notifications from me liking your post... sorry! my cat was sitting on my keyboard

Alex Dee reposted
Jonathan Simcoe

I'm very honored to share my latest Inside Design feature on @cv today. I had the opportunity to do an interview with teenage engineering's elusive co-founder and vp david möllerstedt…

inside design at teenage engineering
By Jonathan Simcoe
Alex Dee

I was looking forward to getting some work done around the house, but my cat just sat on my lap so I guess I'll stay put

Alex Dee

do you have a favorite design manager portfolio / personal site? If so - share it! I’m almost a year into this job and realized I have no idea how to talk about what I’ve worked on 🫠

Alex Dee reposted
Noah Jacobus

New bits for Chunk!

Chunky icons on a yellow background: yen, square divide, distribute horizontally, card stack, crystal ball, seedling, page plus, filter, waveform, hockey sticks, browser window, person with arms out, glasses, label, blockquote, hashtag, calculator, terminal, hammer, distribute vertically, justify text, skeleton key, headlights, vector line, division symbol, move down, vector square, circle divide, UFO, move up, person waving, service bell, keyhole, square x, menu plus, mailbox, font case, ordered list, vector curve, vector circle
Alex Dee
