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Siddharth Arun
Replying to @connelly

Depends. If they’ve publicly acknowledged that my work has inspired them I have zero issues. I recently had designer copy my new website (two days after launch) and sell it as a framer template.

Connelly Rader
Replying to @siddhartharun

Yiiiikes, hate that for you. Yeah, there wasn’t any acknowledgement, but I don’t feel offended. I’m just taking any feedback they get as my own 😂

Leland Foster
Replying to @connelly

Is it me, I feel like I steal everything

Connelly Rader
Replying to @leland

Hahaha actually same - but I try to be tasteful about it !

Replying to @connelly

Flattered, however - there’s a line between inspiration and copying, I wouldn’t be flattered by a lazy copy.

Replying to @connelly

shoot em, SHOOT EM