Posts, a community app by

Dana @danachou

less hustle, more this

Dana reposted
Josh Pindjak

waiting for the client to get back to you with feedback so you can clock tf in

sleeping guy at the olympics
Dana reposted
David Mendes

This might be my favourite rebrand of the year. Especially because how well it respects where the brand is coming from.

Dana reposted
Noah Conk

Not me sending this to all my engineer friends/coworkers 😂💀 “Silence engineer. Ideas guy is talking”

Dana reposted
Noah Conk

I grow weary of the grind

Dana reposted
Pedro Peguero Jr.

Don't let the decisions of companies, whether good or bad, define who you are and your craft. The moment you stop attaching your talents and craft to a company or job, the sooner you realize that nobody can *ever* take that away from you. You will always be in control, I promise.