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David Mendes
Replying to @dperrera

I agree with the last point, but I’m not sure it is golden. For the user, it might be. For companies, not so much. Historically the technical barrier has protected companies against commoditization. In the future, copycats will be quick and everywhere.

Dan Perrera
Replying to @davidmendes

Lowering the technical barrier is where the golden era will come from. I think we could do with more competition, more options, and stronger points of view in software. Also, I expect software businesses to become more sustainable as they'll be far lower overhead to operate.

Laura Sinisterra
Replying to @dperrera

I think so too, we will see a bunch of bad software (normal, expected) and some great software that will change how we interact online.

Dan Perrera
Replying to @laurasinisterra

A little more great software would be nice. I’m here for it

Peter Osmenda
Replying to @dperrera

Hopefully this also means more leaner/small teams who can move fast and less barriers to execution.

Dan Perrera
Replying to @digitalunknown

It feels like this will at least be possible now, which I find deeply exciting.