Posts, a community app by


to clarify, this concept isn't just for my own personal website-- it's a platform; anyone can build their own world for their friends & internet travelers to explore! ▸ select world [worldsites]

Shashaank Bhaskar
Replying to @elissa

*jaw drop* dude!! Can we talk about this!! I have an idea that I've been stewing with me that I'd like to discuss with you, would you be down for that?

Replying to @shshnkbhskr

haha always down to talk ideas!!

Juan F. Agrón
Replying to @elissa

Why is music connected to writing like that?

Replying to @agron

good question haha, my dabbling in music has always been lyrical (my instrument of choice is my voice) so it deals more with writing

Juan F. Agrón
Replying to @elissa

So cool, you mean as in song writing or just phonetically?

Hakeem Adjei
Replying to @elissa

this is a really genius idea. Feels so scavenger hunt like.

Replying to @namiji

thank you so much! exactly the vibes I’m going for haha

Dave Leal
Replying to @elissa

@elissa this is pretty fun and engaging. Check out Departure Mono typeface, might pair well with pixel icons :)

Departure Mono
A monospaced pixel font with a lo-fi, techy vibe.
Replying to @daveleal

Ooh, thanks so much for the rec! Always looking for mono and typewriter like fonts :)


as a discipline-dabbler my work has never neatly fit in a box, so when it comes to personal websites ive always felt stifled by traditional blog or gallery formats it would be so much fun to run around the worlds of my friends & learn all their lore

Wojtek Witkowski
Replying to @elissa

love it

Dan Perrera
Replying to @elissa

What a delight! "Corporate Gulf" got a legit LOL out of me.

June Tang
Replying to @elissa

so freaking cool!!!

Monika Repčytė
Replying to @elissa

Wow! Love the concept.