Posts, a community app by

eric eriksson 🇵🇸
eric eriksson 🇵🇸

anyone going to vercel ship this month? I’ll be there with @jono!

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

why oh why do they insist on that godawful camera bump on the iPad? I'd take a pad that doesn't wobble over that utterly useless camera any day. who even takes photos with their iPad?? looking like a fool

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

this is probably a niche request but... @andy any chance y'all could add a settings toggle to hide the "active job listings" widget on posts/home? it's giving me fomo lol

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

y'all remember DispoHQ — the disposable camera app that was all the rage for a few minutes in 2020? it had an incredible onboarding flow. anyone know who designed it?

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

for reasons I'm not entirely clear on myself, I spontaneously started designing stuff for my new job today. I start in a week. its been years since I was excited about work. feels good.

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

ok I did it. I picked an offer. it was hard, but I am no longer unemployed woohoo 🚀🚀🚀