Posts, a community app by

eric eriksson 🇵🇸
eric eriksson 🇵🇸

reminder: the following words do not contain the letter ‘x’ — “et cetera”, “espresso”, “educated”

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

any IC5-ish designers looking for a new fulltime gig? i'm starting to think about design hire #2 at Udio. DMs open!

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

design, duplicate, iterate — which direction do you move on the canvas? I'm a down & to the right kind of guy. groups signify distinct conceptual leaps. the more right an iteration feels, the further I'll move it from the others, to continue iterating undistracted by the past.

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

whyyyyyy are contextual ligatures so... sensual?

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

if you're seriously worried that figma is trying to replace you with ai, maybe you should be replaced. i, for one, welcome these new creative tools and will happily opt in every time. YOU MEAN I DON'T HAVE TO MANUALLY RENAME MY LAYERS ANYMORE?? SUATM.

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

it begins.