Posts, a community app by

Gonzalo Soto

Would anybody be interested in completing design bounties (similar to Replit)? 👉 Someone submits an existing screen / component / page ✋ You send them your portfolio (apply) 🤑 Get paid if you get chosen to complete the task

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @gonzalosoto

Like doing an audit or solving a pre-determined problem? I guess either way I'd be open to it

Gonzalo Soto
Replying to @jsiggy

Yeah, the thought was to have a community of reputable/experienced designers who could all apply to solve "quick problems" and deliver fast results. Problems could be audits, revamping existing components, reworking flows, etc.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @gonzalosoto

I've been seeing "rent a designer" kind of models which.. isn't the exact same thing but similar vein.. I think it's not inherently a bad idea but it makes me concerned re: companies further commoditizing design and not investing longterm in better UX

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @gonzalosoto

As someone perpetually unemployed I wouldn't mind making a little money lol

Gonzalo Soto
Replying to @jsiggy

Always haha!