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Henning von Vogelsang
Replying to @itsmario

The Design of Everyday Things – Don Norman (…)

The Design of Everyday Things - Wikipedia
Mario Guzman
Replying to @core

Oh yeah…that’s definitely a must-read

Henning von Vogelsang
Replying to @itsmario

A bit of a classic, but still valid today

Laura 🦄
Replying to @itsmario

How was this one? Would you recommend it? I’m always on the lookout for really good design and design-adjacent books 🤍

Mario Guzman
Replying to @alicetragedy

It was truly fascinating. I recommend it! The read begins with some foundational principles, but then delves into both effective and ineffective real-world design implementations

Laura 🦄
Replying to @itsmario

Awesome! Just placed a hold on it at the library :) 3rd in line 🙏🏻

View of the library user interface showing the book “User Friendly” on hold for the user, with a note that says “3rd in line”
André Mooij
Replying to @itsmario

what did you think of this? been wanting to read it

Mario Guzman
Replying to @mooij

It’s a good read. It gives you perspective on how human centric design or the lack of can really make or break a product

Replying to @itsmario

Thanks for recommendation✅