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Jamie Sigadel
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Some struggles: - Different people want different things, sometimes literal opposites - Time and effort required to make a great portfolio vs people don't read - Showing just "enough" - NDA work - Incomplete work

Jason Marsh
Replying to @jsiggy

Can relate, especially incomplete work. Also: - Perfectionism - Going 0-100 instead of 0,1,2… - Work “could’ve been better but…”

ryan m
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one of my biggest struggles is that i don't consider myself a particularly apt designer technically so I'm always trying to build a portfolio that reflects my entire 'package' as a person/professional that i feel like 'just the work' loses out on some of that minutiae.

Jason Marsh
Replying to @ryanlastname

Been there. Makes me think of that Ira Glass quote about how your taste inspires you, but your early work won’t match it until you close the gap with relentless practice.