Posts, a community app by

Joe Russell
Joe Russell reposted

took tons of photos today since the sunlight is awesome, and this is my favorite. Did not realize that the man thumped up and the girl winked towards me when I took this shot, so missed the opportunity to respond back. But really love this shot when I view it on the screen 📸

Shot by Sony A7R4 with Tamron 28-200
Joe Russell reposted
Cindy Wu

still think about this all the time

Joe Russell

Tried an Apple Vision Pro today. Brilliant interactions and fidelity but no better for daily work right now than a Mac. Immersive clips incredible, especially sports. Can’t wait to watch football on Apple’s Premier League channel and flinch when the ball is kicked at the camera.

Your bag total is 4 thousand pounds. Haha not today
Joe Russell reposted
Fede Sánchez

This is how you add Triggers and Actions in Play with our upcoming Interactions 2.0 update.

Joe Russell

Amazing article about some of the best interaction / experience design around. Visual examples for days

Family Values
What makes Family, Family.
Joe Russell

(Re)finished this brilliant game from the year 2000. Only took 2000 attempts to beat the final boss.