Posts, a community app by
Jonas Maaløe
Jonas Maaløe

Turns out if you built a truly well-crrafted product, and your onboarding is just using that product within minute 1 of launch; you don’t need all this god damn wacky Duolingo bullshit-updraft stuff Just put a button there

Jonas Maaløe

Telling my kids this was Design Crit

Jonas Maaløe

“The also-ran, elevator music-level UI from Figma AI is NOT all bad news for us designers. They’re new starting points you can build on top of” (The new starting point):

Jonas Maaløe

Here’s what drives me nuts about the Figma AI stuff: Design, we insist, is about How It Works Figma meanwhile is a 10 yr. old drawing app that exports PNGs to be passed on, like tea leaves, to someone who interprets them into software Figma is not a design tool

Jonas Maaløe

Meanwhile news from the world of crypto:

Jonas Maaløe

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