Posts, a community app by

Jonas Maaløe

HEY do you LOVE apps but HATE to discover new apps and they're actually just MEDIOCRE? Are you a busy person with zero time to waste on apps except 100% GOOD ones? Then come visit me and my cosmos cluster I keep exclusively for GOOD, INTERESTING apps:

apps ( / Cosmos
A home for curating your universe
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You can add the new Play app!…

Jonas Maaløe

Yes! Of course! Thanks for the reminder 🙌 Side note: Play was actually in my early txt file of apps that grew into this one Also in my imaginary MOMA collection of apps, obviously

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Musem Of Modern Apps! Love it!

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @seungmee_lee

progress towards 0.5%

Seungmee Lee
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Yay!! Buying a domain is way more than 0.5% haha

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @seungmee_lee

Haha undoubtedly it generates a way higher number in the feel of being over 0.5%