Posts, a community app by

Seungmee Lee
Seungmee Lee

I feel like I'm about to move out from my home filled with so many good memories, but of all the thoughts... thanks @andy @mehdi @shen for creating this amazing space where I could make so many good friends and opportunities! 🥹 It was a privilege to be part of this community...

Seungmee Lee

Merry golden Christmas from Tokyo! Surprisingly it’s still like Autumn here

Seungmee Lee

I just realized it's December and my trip to Tokyo and Sapporo is just around the corner 🙃 - help me out! What are your top recommendations for must-see/eat/drink places in these regions?

Seungmee Lee

Anyone using Goodreads/Literal equivalent for movies? Something to track movies you’ve watched/to watch, to rate. The inly thing I know is IMDb but it doesn’t look appealing to me 🙈

Seungmee Lee

The best shot from my trip to HK 😎 - my friends, the red lights, texts and the taxi, and the name of the shop... perfect HK is the best city for shooting film photography

Seungmee Lee

For film camera, I know waiting is part of the process, but coming back from the vacation with 1.5 roll finished... I wanna give up the rest of the film and just develop them 😂