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Korey Hall

Has anyone successfully made the transition to Arc? I’ve tried twice now but can’t get out of old habits 🤦‍♂️

Josh Grazier
Replying to @korey

I switched last month and will never look back. The only downside for me is the bookmarking, very messy at the moment

Alex Schleifer
Replying to @jrg @korey

What made you commit?

Baiel Kulikovsky
Replying to @alexoid @jrg @korey

For me, it was the interface. I mean, it's really beautiful. And "Spaces" is the best interpretation of the 'tab groups' idea that I've tried

Alex Schleifer
Replying to @klkvsky @jrg @korey

It’s been hard for me to switch because I’m not unhappy with my browser ever since I just switched to Safari and kept things as simple as possible but I keep wanting to try it again.

Korey Hall
Replying to @alexoid @klkvsky @jrg

I feel the same about Chrome, it does what I need and see very little problems, so I’m a little apprehensive to what value Arc could add.

Baiel Kulikovsky
Replying to @jrg @korey @alexoid

Yeah, like recent "Peek" feature!! One of the best UX improvements in any app in recent years

J. Gil
Replying to @jrg @korey +2 others

Although it’s not perfect I think their approach to the browser open the door for refreshing new opportunities. Maybe this article will be interesting / useful to those thinking about the switch:…

Indistinguishable from Magic
Magical Technology: iPod, Spotify, Figma, AI Art, Arc, web3, and beyond