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Josh Grazier
Replying to @korey

I switched last month and will never look back. The only downside for me is the bookmarking, very messy at the moment

Alex Schleifer
Replying to @jrg @korey

What made you commit?

Baiel Kulikovsky
Replying to @alexoid @jrg @korey

For me, it was the interface. I mean, it's really beautiful. And "Spaces" is the best interpretation of the 'tab groups' idea that I've tried

Alex Schleifer
Replying to @klkvsky @jrg @korey

It’s been hard for me to switch because I’m not unhappy with my browser ever since I just switched to Safari and kept things as simple as possible but I keep wanting to try it again.

Korey Hall
Replying to @alexoid @klkvsky @jrg

I feel the same about Chrome, it does what I need and see very little problems, so I’m a little apprehensive to what value Arc could add.

Josh Grazier
Replying to @korey @alexoid @klkvsky

It’s the features for me. Arc just takes what other browsers do and makes it slightly better, in some cases much better. Apple do the same, not always the first, but a lot of the time the best. It’s also highly customisable which I enjoy.

Baiel Kulikovsky
Replying to @jrg @korey @alexoid

Yeah, like recent "Peek" feature!! One of the best UX improvements in any app in recent years

Replying to @korey

I find Arc sensational and I really think it could become a gamechanger but I have not been able to get used to it, at least not on the first try 🤷

Andy Chung
Replying to @korey

I can’t get used to the border around the browser and don’t think I’m the target audience for their tab organization stuff (I embrace the chaos)

Korey Hall
Replying to @andy

I too like to live with a thousand tabs, keeps me on my toes

Rodrigo Sousa
Replying to @korey

Spaces with different profiles are a game changer. You can use one browser window for you personal life, works, personal projects… etc

Korey Hall
Replying to @rodrigosousa

Now this peaks my interest… I didn’t know that was a thing, sounds super useful 🤔

Rodrigo Sousa
Replying to @korey

it’s awesome, you can have different accounts, history, organisation, extensions… you name it ahah

Fry @fry
Replying to @rodrigosousa @korey

Yeah it’s all about this. I used to find e.g. locating the right google calendar a nightmare in other browsers

Robert Bye
Replying to @korey

Fully transitioned to Arc and it’s a game changer. Being able to have spaces for personal and work things, plus the Mini Arc for temporary work or opening up web links in other apps is super nice.

Korey Hall
Replying to @rb

I’m convinced, will give it another shot tomorrow, third times a charm 🤞

John Reynolds
Replying to @korey

I struggle with how favorites act as a “perma-state” no matter how far you navigated into the favorited site. Sometimes I want to reset them and go back to the original landing page I favorited. I can do it with pinned tabs but not favorites, I think.

Fry @fry
Replying to @reynoldsj @korey

If you double click the faved item it takes you to the original page I think

John Reynolds
Replying to @fry @korey

Oh wowww that totally works. Thank you! That was one of the only things I was struggling with in Arc! Thanks man.

Fry @fry
Replying to @reynoldsj @korey


Replying to @korey

Same, tried two times but eventually returned to Safari. I can’t pinpoint what it is. Maybe it’s too much features and too designed for a browser. I need it as basic as possible.

Bilgi Karan
Replying to @korey

This! I am still using Arc daily and giving it lot of chances. Too many features make it somehow less usable. Peek, Mini Arc, Spaces, 🤷🏻‍♂️

Replying to @bilgi @korey

Exactly. And I can’t seem to get used to the sidebar. Muscle memory expects the tabs to be at the top 😄

Sean Pritzkau
Replying to @korey

I have! The hardest part for me was that I heavily switched tabs with keyboard shortcuts. Difficult in Arc if you pin anything. That being said, Workspaces are your friend.

Replying to @korey

I have although I'm no power user of chrome and was primarily on Safari earlier! Big recommend though–features keep getting added (some delightfully unexpected ones!)

Kohei Foss
Replying to @korey

safari still got me hooked! i’m only on 4, 5 tabs at a time as a student

Anthony Fonte
Replying to @korey

I love it, can’t see myself going back. The spaces are especially useful when siloing different clients/work stream comms.

Henry Daggett
Replying to @korey

I think I’ve been using it happily for about year!

Kyle Craven
Replying to @korey

Arcs amazing! I'll never go back to traditional browsers, unless they reinvent themselves. Arc is a breath of fresh air and suits my workflow way better

Replying to @korey

Fired it up 4 months ago—never looked back 💅

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @korey

I’m a full time Arc since last fall and this silly browser still make me feel giddy about it on a weekly basis. It took a month-ish going back and forth, but last two months I’ve opened Chrome maybe twice, and I’m not looking back

John Reynolds
Replying to @korey

It’s only been a week for me and I love it. First couple of hours was an up and down of excitement and uncertainty. But then I was like “I’m going all in” and I set up everything in it. So far I really love it. The spaces with accounts is amazing.

Ron Bronson
Replying to @korey

This reminds me I have Arc

Collin Hemeltjen
Replying to @korey

I love it, especially for switching between work and personal accounts

Replying to @korey

Big fan. Took me a minute to get used to it but now I’m hooked. I don’t want to go back to the old way of tab management.