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Korey Hall

Has anyone successfully made the transition to Arc? I’ve tried twice now but can’t get out of old habits 🤦‍♂️

Josh Grazier
Replying to @korey

I switched last month and will never look back. The only downside for me is the bookmarking, very messy at the moment

Alex Schleifer
Replying to @jrg @korey

What made you commit?

Baiel Kulikovsky
Replying to @alexoid @jrg @korey

For me, it was the interface. I mean, it's really beautiful. And "Spaces" is the best interpretation of the 'tab groups' idea that I've tried

Alex Schleifer
Replying to @klkvsky @jrg @korey

It’s been hard for me to switch because I’m not unhappy with my browser ever since I just switched to Safari and kept things as simple as possible but I keep wanting to try it again.

Korey Hall
Replying to @alexoid @klkvsky @jrg

I feel the same about Chrome, it does what I need and see very little problems, so I’m a little apprehensive to what value Arc could add.

Josh Grazier
Replying to @korey @alexoid @klkvsky

It’s the features for me. Arc just takes what other browsers do and makes it slightly better, in some cases much better. Apple do the same, not always the first, but a lot of the time the best. It’s also highly customisable which I enjoy.