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Luca Burgio
Replying to @jscanzi

Measuring the impact of design choices. Currently in Design Ops this seems to be the biggest pain point.

Jonathan Scanzi
Replying to @lbg

Thank for your comment @lbg. I don’t know if it is related to the economic context but it seems that we need to rationalize the design effort. I saw lots of companies cutting their design budget to focus on marketing and sales. We clearly need to show that design have an impact.

Luca Burgio
Replying to @jscanzi

Indeed, it’s sadly a common thing now. That’s why measuring the impact would be a great opportunity IMO to show to stakeholders how design is really impactful.

Jonathan Scanzi
Replying to @lbg

Totally Agree. How do you manage that in you daily work? You invest in analytics? Do you work with sales? What kind of user feedback helps you to proof that your design is impactful? Sorry a lot of question but very interested! Haha

Luca Burgio
Replying to @jscanzi

I’m currently pushing the design team to invest more time into user interviews and small A/B testings driven by designers. By doing this we’re trying to gather more data then before and present design solutions based on this data collection.

Jeff Golenski
Replying to @lbg @jscanzi

Sounds like growth design tactics. I love it!

Luca Burgio
Replying to @jeffgolenski @jscanzi

Do you have anything that would be useful to share about that? It would be great to know more from your POV

Péter Balázs Polgár
Replying to @jscanzi

Getting engineers to participate in discovery was an issue in my last job, we learned about implementation late, made design process more messy.

Jonathan Scanzi
Replying to @polgarp

Building a customer-centric team from the beginning is key. Recruiting engineers that understand and want to involve in the design process is so strategic.

Péter Balázs Polgár
Replying to @jscanzi

Agreed! Though we had engineers already hired, so it’s an uphill battle. To be fair, engineers enjoyed to contribute, only they were pushed on their own timelines, so it’s more of a leadership challenge.

Max Ropohl
Replying to @jscanzi

Connecting the design work to company level goals / outcomes / impact feels quite tough right now. I think some thing mentioned here are already good ideas to tackle this, but currently lacking the resource to invest more into research / data gathering to measure impact, etc.

Jonathan Scanzi
Replying to @maxro

Cannot agree more on that point. Always difficult to conveince clients to focus on user research to have more impact. It is the same for analytics. They prefer use dev ressources to develop new features rather identify the good ones and invest more in it :-)

Replying to @jscanzi

1. Trying to make everything efficient from recruiting to synthesise research. Getting hard to navigate confluence/drive folders. 2. Investing in those smallish details that make the experience better but harder to measure it’s effects/value

Jonathan Scanzi
Replying to @henrikk

Thank you for your answer @henrikk. Can’t agree more. I personaly struggle to take time to make a great analysis from my user research.

Dan Wallem
Replying to @jscanzi

For us it’s tight deadlines with not much time for testing and validating our designs. Investors want things fast these days.

Jonathan Scanzi
Replying to @danwallem

Yes! It’s maybe counterintuitive for investors to understand that it’s better to waste a little bit more time before winning x10 after a good test.