Posts, a community app by

Bill Chung

Designers over 40: what are some important things you’ve learned about yourself and the industry in your time?

ploink @ploink
Replying to @juneuprising

Quiet designers lead to bad products. But designers are afraid to speak up either because they are new to their role or because they are afraid of offending someone. The perceived “subjective” nature of design leads to those who are bold being viewed as tyrants.

ploink @ploink
Replying to @juneuprising

a bold one. If you’re just going along with what other stakeholders are asking of you you are a quiet designer. If you are bringing half a dozen options for the exact same screen or problem and at least not advocating strongly for 1-2 of them over others.

ploink @ploink
Replying to @juneuprising

If you see teammates going g down a path that harms the product or the users and you don’t speak up in fear of pulling rank or offending - you are a quiet designer.