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Bill Chung

Designers over 40: what are some important things you’ve learned about yourself and the industry in your time?

Bill Chung
Replying to @ploink

Your point about “quiet designers” is on point but I wonder if we are thinking about the same thing. How would you describe what the opposite of “quiet” looks like?

ploink @ploink
Replying to @juneuprising

a bold one. If you’re just going along with what other stakeholders are asking of you you are a quiet designer. If you are bringing half a dozen options for the exact same screen or problem and at least not advocating strongly for 1-2 of them over others.

ploink @ploink
Replying to @juneuprising

In orgs without research departments decisions around to design are boiled down to - best practices, competitive correlation, joy or personal opinion. When it’s anything but research your opinions are viewed as just that. Opinions. And everyone thinks their opinion is best.

ploink @ploink
Replying to @juneuprising

This is how design by committee tends to be birthed. All voices must be equally integrated or you are a tyrant. The flip side of this is that often times research is weaponized and skewed towards desired outcomes to do so and avoid conflict.