Posts, a community app by

Justin Stephens
Justin Stephens

What are some good microphone setups to help improve audio on Zoom calls etc. Any recommendations out there?

Justin Stephens

Observations on the difference between product & marketing design. Product design: User-focused, practical, objective. Marketing design: Audience-focused, persuasive, subjective. Different considerations and process seem to be needed to find solutions for both. Not the same.

Justin Stephens

Goodness. Radix might have one of the best color systems I've seen. Solids and Alphas. Light and Dark. Intention behind each color in the scale. Documentation is crazy good. Click "Get Started" and dig around. It's 🤌✨.

Justin Stephens

We've been pushing Figma and using for large print exports directly out of Figma. Conference assets such as backdrops, banners, info sheets etc. It's so nice to use vector based product assets all in the same tool. There's some pixel math and CMYK conversion pain, but it works!

Justin Stephens

Imagine you have the opportunity to create your dream design system library. What are a few things you’d obsess over making sure you got right?

Justin Stephens

Shadows from the moonlight. 🤯🌕