Posts, a community app by

Justin Mabee
Justin Mabee

Client's inspo was really cool and I wanted to recreate the old school magazine style on the web, but give it a bit of a modern vibe too.

Collage of diverse graphic design posters.
Justin Mabee

Design concept for a client from yesterday. Inspo was vintage, graffiti, bubble style, minimalistic. This is the landing page, and we stripped it back even further to just have Home, Work, and project pages. Created the logo too.

Joyful woman laughing with a website layout overlay.
Justin Mabee

Started a design, got 2/3 through and hated it. Duplicated it and changed the nav and a few other elements, along with moving from a bold heading to a serif heading, and now I like it, but it's still not quite there....

Justin Mabee

Anyone else feel like all they see is negativity, especially in their job?

Justin Mabee

Testing out now that I got an invite finally, and it’s worth the hype and wait. It’s 2024 and my main news apps are Particle and Yahoo News. Who would have thought?

Welcome to Particle News
Understand more, faster.
Justin Mabee

When you're applying for jobs, how do you tackle "why do you want to work here", "what excites you about this job", "why should we be excited to have you on our team" type of questions? This always trips me up, and I'm always lost trying to answer these questions.