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Justin Mabee
Justin Mabee

Microsoft’s new Phi-3 LLM is insanely fast at general knowledge. My latest stack of LLMs include Llama 3, Perplexity, Sonar Small and Medium, and Phi-3. There’s also an insane image generator from HuggingChat I’ve been using that is leaps and bounds better than Midjourney.

Justin Mabee

Gotta admit, Meta's Llama 3 rivals Claude 3 Opus and its speed is even more impressive.

Justin Mabee

Started playing with other AI models over the last couple of days thanks to Raycast and Poe, and so far my favorites are Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3 Opus, all of Mistrals models, Gemini 1.5 Pro, and of course Perplexity’s own model. GPT4 Turbo isn’t bad either.

Justin Mabee

My wife is opening a bookstore, and instead of business cards, she wanted to get bookmarks made. Canva doesn’t do printing of bookmarks, so she had to go to Staples. They came out nice, but…not in bookmark size. 🤔🤔 What to do now?

Justin Mabee

I own and .org. What should I do with them?

Justin Mabee

Traffic on my website has increased significantly over the past few weeks, but my bookings have stagnated. Decided to try an A/B test of removing all questions from my booking link, and adding a generic contact form as well; 24 hours later, a new booking and a form fill. 😳😩