Posts, a community app by

Marcel Bechler

No. 2:

Replying to @marcelbechler

I prefer option 2 because it looks cleaner. The overall design looks really cool and Untamed is a really awesome roller coaster 🎢 👍

Martin Klepsch
Replying to @marcelbechler

option 1 feels more delightful to me - but both are great!

Joe Russell
Replying to @marcelbechler

Definitely prefer 2! I’d try speeding both up though and see how they feel (I realise you might have had them this speed so we can see the difference!)

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @marcelbechler

I vote #2 - it feels.. cleaner? And I like the speed as-is, #1 is a little too fast imo

Vaibhav Khulbe
Replying to @marcelbechler

2 feels better. But 1 for some experimental feel haha