Posts, a community app by

Melinda Kreuser
Taurean Bryant

Another quick reminder as people trickle in, there's a dedicated feed on Bluesky for posts users. We're at over 100 people now. Find out how to join (and more) here:…

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posters-guide-to-bsky - tbl
Melinda Kreuser

I loved meeting all the creative, brilliant weirdos on here 😭. Posts was such a breath of fresh air. Let’s connect on that Bluesky place 🤷‍♀️: And…LinkedIn 😅:…
Melinda Kreuser

Box of votes:

Melinda Kreuser

Can’t stop thinking about our community in LA. I’m so sorry this is happening!

Melinda Kreuser

I appreciate the nostalgic branding here, but when your parents have a history of ignoring expiration dates (decades), this does not inspire confidence.

Ana Malai

turns out i did a lot of cool weird things in 2024