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Replying to @mlhowell

When do you want feedback? Ie. What stage of the product making process

Dan Perrera
Replying to @mlhowell

You should talk to customers as much as you can. Just make sure you only factor in feedback from people who are your ICP — thinking that all feedback is equal, or cherry picking what you agree with are the traps for early teams.

Molly Gertenbach
Replying to @mlhowell

I’ve found end user feedback in b2b can be difficult since a lot of companies don’t want to conduct user interviews with clients. Analytics are going to be your most consistent source of insights, but account managers/sales teams are usually good sources of client feedback!

Tüzin Baran
Replying to @mlhowell

It helped us a lot! It wasn't easy to set them up but we got very valuable insights just with 5 interviews.

Max Trautner
Replying to @mlhowell

I’ve gotten very close to customer success/support, and doing a bit myself. It has become very natural during/after a call or on-boarding to ask “how’s this resonating, “what do you think so far?”, “if you had a magic wand…” and get really good insight into pain points