Posts, a community app by

Francesco Imola

Lil pat on my own back: I redesigned my personal website! I'm back to basics: only HTML and CSS (Framer was fun but I needed freedom). And being handmade, the site's carbon footprint is also lower than 97 % of all web pages globally!!! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Screenshots of my two pages in my new websites positioned side to side
Moritz Kindler
Replying to @francescoimola

I love the minimal approach but in my browser the text looks kinda blurry.

Joe Russell
Replying to @moritzkindler @francescoimola

Also like it but the text is strangely blurred

Francesco Imola
Replying to @moritzkindler @joer

Oh my, need to learn to get the cake out of the oven before telling everyone it's so good! Thanks for the heads up.

Moritz Kindler
Replying to @francescoimola @joer

now it looks great :)