it's not personal. as a designer you're not privy to the information that the CD took the notes from or know what the client really wants. the best designers move onto the next thing. like relationships! the next one will make you forget the first one
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yet, agencies have to be responsive to the fickle nature of their clients. and that is often a response to the agency's work and sometimes a new stakeholder chimes in...all this is a complex stew that is very much out of sight and out of the control of the designer.
i really like how you framed it as relationships -- that clicked for me. looking back at it, the CD and I have a shared intention to do well for the client. it's just we go about it differently and most likely they know something that i don't since he's more experienced haha
would a god (you) weep if we (clients) dislike their orchids and butterflies (figma mockups)