Posts, a community app by

Nathan Dorney
Nathan Dorney

Grateful for the friendships, opportunities, and career growth that Read CV brought into my life. Sad to see it come to an end, but a huge thank you to @andy, @mehdi and @shen for creating this community.

Explore is a show, don't tell professional platform to form beautiful profiles and make meaningful connections with people and teams.
Nathan Dorney

Watchmaker needed to source an obscure part for a broken watch I inherited, ended up needing to go to Germany. But he found a replacement! Here was the broken piece, penny for scale!

Nathan Dorney

Our team is growing! Come and help people build and manage trusted global supply chains…

Altana Design
Senior Product Designer
Nathan Dorney

Calm mode

Nathan Dorney

London to Shoreham-by-sea, some rain, some sunshine and a whole lot of mud.