Posts, a community app by

Nick Noble

@taurean let’s build something cool together this year!

Nick Noble
Replying to @taurean

I see you @alicetragedy you too

Laura 🦄
Replying to @nickisnoble @taurean

😍🙏 (I mean I faved the original post cause you and Taurean sound like the bestest coolest lil team but also, Ruby ❤️)

Taurean Bryant
Replying to @alicetragedy @nickisnoble

I have never touched ruby 😨 (willing to try when I have time though)

Laura 🦄
Replying to @nickisnoble @taurean

Yes, so true! And the Ruby community is 🔥 (except for DHH who is trash). Also, humble brag:

Holding a Ruby Hero Award that reads “presented to Laura Gaetano in recognition of your outstanding dedication, support and commitment to the Ruby community”
Nick Noble
Replying to @alicetragedy @taurean

🙇 wow @alicetragedy!

Laura 🦄
Replying to @nickisnoble @taurean

It was an honor and a privilege to receive that on stage at railsconf among truly amazing people who made the community what it is, quite astounding really 🙏 (8y ago!)