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I know it’s a hot take but free work here and there really leads to many great and better paid opportunities.

Replying to @truman

Why are only designers asked to work for free?

Replying to @outofelement

Have you never asked a family member that’s in healthcare about some symptoms or advice? Or your neighbors that’s a retired mechanic to take a look at your alternator? I just don’t think that’s very true. Or a great way to view the world imo. But tell me more about your experienc

Replying to @outofelement

And I admit that occasionally… sometimes… it just feels damn good to see a friend light up about an idea they think is great, and donating some pixels to help them see it

Replying to @truman

I've actually done that as well. It's different when there's a close personal relationship.

Replying to @outofelement

I am not prescribing you to do anything you aren’t fine with. I believe you shouldn’t feel any pressure to do free work. But in my experience, doing free jobs occasionally have paid out for more then what I could have charged in the mid-to-long run. And it feels exponential