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I know it’s a hot take but free work here and there really leads to many great and better paid opportunities.

Replying to @outofelement

Have you never asked a family member that’s in healthcare about some symptoms or advice? Or your neighbors that’s a retired mechanic to take a look at your alternator? I just don’t think that’s very true. Or a great way to view the world imo. But tell me more about your experienc

Replying to @truman

I have asked a couple of my doctor friends about stuff but usually don't get anything particularly useful in return. Asking for advice isn't the same as actually working on something though, so I'm not sure this analogy works. I'm fine with giving free design advice.

Replying to @outofelement

And I admit that occasionally… sometimes… it just feels damn good to see a friend light up about an idea they think is great, and donating some pixels to help them see it

Replying to @truman

I've actually done that as well. It's different when there's a close personal relationship.

Laura 🦄
Replying to @outofelement @truman

Not just designers, developers too. There’s a kind of expectation you should be working on open source in your free time — and as a former dev who worked on OSS before.. it does lead to opportunities, but not everyone has the privilege to do that.

Replying to @alicetragedy @outofelement

Sounds whack that there’s an expectation for that. Sorry to hear. Shouldn’t be that way

Replying to @outofelement

I’ve never gone into a free gig not knowing and stating it’s unpaid. I agree that doing work and then someone asking for it be free is bonkers, unethical and sucks. But that’s why I mentioned the before, during after part.