Posts, a community app by

Replying to @philipptemmel

Instapaper, pocket, raindrop.

Replying to @romiojoseph

Love those suggestions. What should get emphasized in such a feed? Images? Headlines? Sources?

Replying to @philipptemmel

🤔 I didn't quite get you. But I think the text should be the only focus and in proper hierarchy. Are you trying to create an RSS reader?

Replying to @romiojoseph

So, RSS feeds display the content in different ways. Some prioritize meta images of the posts, some just display them as a small add-on, others do not display them at all. And I agree, text should be the primary focus. No, but I'm working on an idea that has a content feed😊

Replying to @philipptemmel

Got it. Yeah, same here. All these newsletters are crowding my inbox.

Shantesh Patil
Replying to @philipptemmel

Reeder App

Replying to @shantesh

Solid choice, although the UI kind of feels a bit outdated to me, it could be a bit more exciting.

Joe Russell
Replying to @philipptemmel

feeeed » build your own news feed, RSS reader and more
Replying to @joer

Uff good call, one of the most beautiful, lovely, and fun interfaces out there 👍😊

Replying to @philipptemmel

Been using NetNewsWire (, works pretty well and gives me all the stuff I wanted in a feed reader.