Posts, a community app by

Kasper Andersen
Replying to @plud

I'm enjoying - There is a learning curve, but you can do cool stuff when you get the hang of it.

Origami Studio — Origami Studio 3
With a new canvas interface, dynamic layout, Figma & Sketch support and a ton of peformance improvements and new patches.
Paweł Ludwiczak
Replying to @kaandk

Oh yea, that's a good one! I forgot it exists :) I played with it long time ago – learning curve is definitely pretty steep but I should give it another try... Thanks!

Caspian Ievers
Replying to @plud

Principle is great. And much more affordable. But I think I’m going to try and do prototypes with Rive from now on. It won’t be as fast but I think the experiences will be richer.