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Precious M

Businesses care about how design impacts acquisition, user engagement and satisfaction, retention, and monetization. To remain relevant, designers ought to demonstrate how their work drives these key metrics.

Precious M

2. Limited Deliverables It's not a product if it's still in Figma. Businesses want to bring products to market quickly, learn, and iterate. However, today's designers often deliver prototypes at best, falling short of market-ready solutions.

Precious M

I miss when designers shared deep insights into how their work was pivotal to business success. Can we all go back to what matters? If it doesn’t sell, it’s not design. Selling is proof of utility, and utility in what we build defines success.

Robert Floyd
Replying to @preciousm

Do you have any suggestions about how to go about refocusing the work? (also open to resources/links/books you've found helpful) I read this a lot and still struggle to move beyond "please make these screens" at work.