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Rachel Mutia

Do designers have a choice? It depends. A cohort mentioned Penpot. I wonder how many people know about it already.

David Mendes
Replying to @rachelmutia

Penpot is good. I use it for personal stuff.

Rachel Mutia
Replying to @davidmendes

I should give it a try this month whilst everything is slow.

Replying to @rachelmutia

Yeah, it's just depressing at this point.

Caspian Ievers
Replying to @rachelmutia

There is a choice. It just depends what that tipping point is. Penpot looks good. But I’m happy to pay for Sketch it meets all my needs.... I know there will be price increase in time. That’s just life. But if companies aren’t dicks about it it’s easier to deal with.

Kevin Barbier
Replying to @rachelmutia

I think that's the kind of problem that arises when there's a lack of competition. Then I saw that Sketch is coming with a kind of auto layout and Penpot is nice. We'll have to see if it catches on like Blender 3D but I can't wait to see what they come up with.