Posts, a community app by

Remy van der Winden
Remy van der Winden

Had fun animating scenes like I was looking through a lens! It's for an animation by Noeste IJver for nature reserve 'De Maashorst'. It explains how you should behave around wild animals when you enter the reserve 🦬 Full animation on (in Dutch) natuurgebieddemaashors…

Remy van der Winden

Still rounding up our Polarsteps trip to Japan. Posted Hiroshima yesterday. With a rough but very necessary visit to the peace museum after we went to Miyajima island. In hindsight we should've switched those around so that the cute deer wandering around could cheer us up again!

Remy van der Winden

Oriental supermarket Onigiri just aren't the same.. €4,35?! Really? I didn't see a price so I bought TWO. Assuming it couldn't be this bad. Explains the absence of the price tag. I guess I'll pass until I'm back in Japan for the €1 ones 😣

Remy van der Winden

Couldn't quite let go of Japan this weekend 😅 my first dashi miso ramen and certainly not the last! 🍜

Remy van der Winden

Slept in an operational train station. Received precepts by a buddhist master. Lots of nature, temples and hikes. And miso onigiri. A highlight for sure! ❤️ Kudoyama / Kōyashita / Koyasan 📍

Remy van der Winden

Tatami, wood and cherry blossom 🩷