My girlfriend wanted me to hang up a herb rack in the kitchen. It took a week, started with the first and now arrived at the third. Had to glue it due to asbestos in the wall. I'll give it a week before they all come falling down 😅
For anyone interested. I made a silly video about my favorite cheese slicer a few days ago, but it had flickering.. I tried fixing it in camera and found out that my camera settings were set right, but apparently only work with the coldest and warmest colors of my led strip 💡
I've never felt completely at home at my girlfriend's place. Since I'm making this my main base of operations for the time being, it had to feel more like my home too. So I brought my cheese slicer. Make no mistake, this isn't just any cheese slicer. This is the Boska Monaco + 💎
Today was rough. Ignore the noise when you can, take care of the people you care about. Find a spot where there's no light polution, and just get lost for a second 💫