Posts, a community app by

Brian Sholis
Replying to @ron

If you're looking to discover new releases by artists you already know, I highly recommend using MusicHarbor alongside Apple Music. It's like RSS for musicians. I follow 900+ and every Friday I have about 20–30 new releases to check out.

Ron Bronson
Replying to @briansholis

That's helpful. My biggest gripe has been the bad discovery but I have Apple Music mostly because it's easier for my mom to use for some reason.

Brian Sholis
Replying to @ron

No platform gets it exactly right. I’d go just buy-and-download, but I am so crazily attuned to seeking new stimuli (I mean, I follow 900+ artists!) that I really do benefit from having access to everything. 🤷🏻‍♂️

David Mendes
Replying to @ron

What did you go for? And why? Curious about it. I went back to Spotify because I found it to be the cheaper than Apple music, especially with the Duo Plan.

Ron Bronson
Replying to @davidmendes

Spotify algo had learned me so well it was hard to give it up, but they are so anti-user. I had Apple at the same time because my mom will message me asking for me to play music for her, and it's easier for her than Spotify.

Brent Neave
Replying to @ron

Curious what you switched to as well. They all have a slightly different set of pros and cons. Quite a fan of Tidal + Roon combo here.