Posts, a community app by

Raj Solanki
Raj Solanki

some days u just gotta vibe out to bomberman world ost

Raj Solanki

Being at a large company is just not it

Raj Solanki

a smol personal project just practicing some brand and visual design 🫡

Raj Solanki

some more goodies on the way

Raj Solanki

gm! putting together some lil graphics for a personal branding project ⚡️

Raj Solanki reposted
Facu Montanaro

Some exciting personal news 🪄 Next week I'll be announcing the launch of my new studio → Still taking freelance gigs and teaming up with outstanding individuals under Kundo. Join us, and let's thrive together 🫡🥷 (soft launch only for Posts 🤫)

Design studio crafted by Facu Montanaro.