Posts, a community app by

Rasmus Andersson
Rasmus Andersson

Office assistant

Rasmus Andersson

I kind of dig that you can’t see follower count here on Posts but I wish I could brows who someone is *following* — I often find that to be a good discovery path. (Eg you find an interesting account, look for related accounts by sampling some that the interesting account follow.)

Andy Chung

What up @rsms 🤙

Rasmus Andersson

Compis can now build WebAssembly C programs that use libc, for the WASI platform. This enables you to build your C program for both native targets and WASM with no—or very few—code changes. Here's a simple example:…

Rasmus Andersson

The greatest loss for the young generation is that iOS doesn’t play MIDI files

Rasmus Andersson

@andy Posts is really nice! How do I submit feedback & bugs? (The usual TestFlight “press volume-up and lock buttons” doesn’t do anything beyond a screenshot)