Posts, a community app by

Joe Russell
Replying to @sadape

Niiiiice. What happens when all my runs are the same route?

Krystal Sim
Replying to @joer @sadape

i have the same issue

Serhii Hornostaiev
Replying to @sadape

Stylishly. Love runs representation

Tyler ✌️
Replying to @sadape

Just popping in to say “fuck yea!”

Josh Pindjak
Replying to @sadape

Fucking rad 🤘

Qasim Ali
Replying to @sadape


Katie Dreke
Replying to @sadape

love the hand drawn aesthetic -- can I haz pls?

Donna Escarcha
Replying to @sadape

I love this! where can I buy it :D